Wanergy Waste to Energy Project, Republic of Kenya
Developer Name : Wanergy Africa Limited
Speaker name : Junnie Wangari
Project synopsis : Waste to Energy Project in Kenya- Promoting Productive use of Biogas We are developing and promoting the Productive Use of Renewable Energy in partnership with our industrial sector by converting 150,000tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste per year into a biofuel to provide electricity and heat for production purposes while at the same time reducing GHG emissions equivalent to 122,622Tco2eq. The $30M Biogas plant will provide a sustainable disposal solution to a town 37kms away from Nairobi City, provide approximately 60 jobs and support the agricultural sector with organic fertilizer that will help Kenya achieve food security thereby developing a circular economy around this project. We are seeking $500,000 to develop the project to bankability and additional funding of $29.5M to construct and commission the project.
Wednesday 05 October 10:00 AM - 10:20 AM Stage D
AfIDA Catapult
Waste to Energy Project in Kenya- Promoting Productive use of Biogas We are developing and promoting the Productive Use of Renewable Energy in partnership with our industrial sector by converting 150,000tonnes of Municipal Solid Waste per year into a biofuel to provide electricity and heat for production purposes while at the same time reducing GHG emissions equivalent to 122,622Tco2eq.
Stage D Africa/Johannesburg