South Africa 50MW embedded generation Solar, 69MW Wind Asset, 140MW wind asset:
Developer Name : Energy Now
Speaker Name : Stuart MacWilliam and Raoul Gamsu
Project synopsis : EnergyNow is a South African green energy utility. We will generate power at our 500MW of wind and solar farms, wheel the power across the grid, and sell it on short term contracts to 200-300 industrial customers. We are raising R400m equity for our first 50MW solar plant.
Wednesday 05 October 11:20 AM - 11:40 AM Stage D
AfIDA Catapult
EnergyNow is a South African green energy utility. We will generate power at our 500MW of wind and solar farms, wheel the power across the grid, and sell it on short term contracts to 200-300 industrial customers. We are raising R400m equity for our first 50MW solar plant.
Stage D Africa/Johannesburg