The VIP Programme


The VIP Programme is aimed at senior energy stakeholders. Its key goals are advancing capital deployment into African energy projects and attaining universal energy access across the continent.


Who Participates?

The VIP Programme brings together the most senior African energy stakeholders, who will attend Green Energy Africa Summit (GEA Summit) and/or its co-located sister event, Africa Oil Week (AOW). 

VIP participants attending GEA Summit will include: CEOs and Directors from IPPs, transmission and generation companies. VIP participants attending AOW will include: CEOs, CExOs, VPs of New Ventures and Exploration from Operators. MDs and Directors from global finance will attend both events. The exclusive Government Programme will also host African Presidents and Ministers of Energy, Renewables and Hydrocarbons. 


  • Secure a seat at the table as policy makers develop new enabling environments and map policy change.
  • Get direct access to our community of global IPPs and innovators providing bespoke power solutions as they present truly bankable projects.
  • Attend private peer-to-peer networking events reserved exclusively for VIPs.
  • Access both Green Energy Africa Summit and its co-located event Africa Oil Week, capturing the entire energy value chain under one roof.
  • Participation guarantees year-round insights and industry updates.