We understand there is a lot involved in coordinating your stand and it’s for this reason that we’ve created this page, as a one-stop-shop containing all the vital information you need.

Please note that given the current global COVID-19 pandemic we have published a set of guidelines for exhibitors that set out new or enhanced measures that we are advising all exhibitors should consider, in order to protect themselves and their staff. Please read the Safe & Secure Guidelines carefully before entering the venue.

Please remember, we are here to assist you on any matters relating to your participation in the event and will be happy to offer any advice you may need, please email [email protected]

Please make sure you have placed all orders of the services you may need including furniture, internet, waste, additional electricity, hospitality, etc.

If you are a custom build stand, we encourage all exhibitors to get multiple quotes and think sustainably when designing your custom stand for Mining Indaba. Please use our External Contractor Information Document for further details.

Venue Information & Ordering Forms

Custom Stand Build Documentation

Freight and Shipping Information

Lead Retrieval Information


If you have a query which cannot be answered in the manual and wish to speak to a member of the Mining Indaba team, please contact them via email at [email protected]. Please note operational hours are Monday to Friday 09.30 – 17.00 GMT.